Tuesday, 6 May 2008

And here is Sandra. This may be the last in the sequence for a while as she's scared me off.

The Black Clock Arms


Sandra feels the territory of The Black
Clock Arms as clearly as her own home
marked out in B&Q fences, except here
it's harder to define, and easier to fight for.

Her white tracksuit betrays more than just
the blood of her rivals, and she'd wear
the clumps of hair in her fists if only she could
clutch a vodka simultaneously. She is scared

of other pubs, of the trouble that is only ever
conducted outside, but would never admit that.
She has been coming here since Dan's
star-turn was the up-and-coming Spice Girls.

She's seen it all but is never asked for an opinion;
she has none except what's fought with fists and hair.

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