Monday 16 June 2008

For P.M.B.

In an orchestra of limbs

You cannot help but skip on every other beat.
Your steps are a measure of notes, your hands
accents and crescendos; violas of movement
in an orchestra of limbs. Precise moments see you
wholly in air, prepared only for descent and timing.
There is no despair in your movement
and freedom is as envied as it is necessary.
You are a rare anatomy of music and
you never fail to make my night with that.

Searching each other's movements
for the meaning all we ever find is each other
and the urgency of drums. It is starting to fragment:
my arm is your keyboard, please be content.
The air is my trombone; the air is your guitar.


screenager said...

Get ready for some gushing.

I've come over a bit bashful after having read this. It's wonderful, thank you very much!

I am more than merely content with your arm as my keyboard, I am consistently ecstatic about it!

'A rare anatomy of music' - that's just plain fantastic really. *hugs*

< / gushing > :D

Catalogue25 said...


I'm glad you like it. I am rather embarassed as it was written a while ago... but I shall endeavour to make it better and repost sometime soon. :o) xx