Friday, 14 November 2008

Tosca does strange things to a girl.

The hairs on the back of my neck will not lie flat

I forget myself and am in love.
That rare feeling that creeps up spines
on the words or first touch of a lover, here
captured by voice. I am surrounded

by scrolls and interval theorising
but the hairs on the back of my neck will not lie flat.
I want for better positioning but it is rare
to afford it. From up here I can see

exquisite dust in the folds of velvet curtains.


mand said...

Ususally i avoid 'romance' in all its forms but i do like this - esp the 'exquisite dust'.

My only niggle is 'want for' - in fact that whole sentence 'I want for better positioning but it is rare/
to afford it.' I'm missing something, but i can't fit this in with the rest. And 'want for'... why not just 'want'?

That doesn't spoil the fact that this really says it all about that delightful tingle, that 'rare feeling'. 80)

mand said...

ps Thanx for commenting on my blog!