Thursday, 31 July 2008

Again, needs more work. Not finished worriting with it.


Have you packed the right equipment? You will need
the gear, this time. The guts. They say the first step
is the hardest but graft doesn't guarantee success.
I'm hoping whatever you've packed it is conservatively.
It won't do to carry everything with you, or expect

to share the load half way. There will be company,
but they are not there just for you; they will not be used.
They will not carry anything you should've left behind.
Dropping things, though, that's inevitable. Whether you pick
things up, well, that depends. Can you bear to carry

whatever it is until the end? Do you intend to drop them, too?
How do you know when you've arrived, you ask? You don't.
Perhaps the climate will improve; perhaps you will just be
able to deal with it better. Perhaps new friends will be forthcoming;
perhaps they will be by the wayside. If you do need to let go,

please do it gently. Bear in mind the impact on your surroundings.
Set it down gently near the path for someone else to find and realise
they have arrived. Perhaps it will be proof of an alternative, all they need
to settle down. If you find yourself having gone too far,
there is no way back. Just keep travelling until you lose regret.

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